During the period 2004-2014 Abengoa’s revenues have grown
at a compound annual rate of 15.1 %, the ebitda by 22.8 % and net income by 9.1 %.

In 2015, environmental concerns will continue to be at the center of attention worldwide in a climate of progressive recovery from the economic and financial crisis. This will contribute to continued growth of Abengoa’s potential markets and opportunities. According to the International Energy Agency, the global demand for energy will rise by 37 % to 2040, and this year’s global energy supply will come in equal proportions from oil, gas, coal and low-carbon sources. In the midst of serious tensions affecting the international energy system as the result of conflicts in the Middle East, Russia and the Ukraine, the electrical power generation sector will lead the transformation of the world energy map, where renewables will prove the drivers of change. + info
Felipe Benjumea Llorente