Overall summary of how the Remunerations Policy was applied during the closed Financial Year
C.1 Remunerations Policy applied during the Financial Year: structured and payable items
The structure and wage components of the Abengoa board members vary based on whether or not the board member is an executive, and is approved by the board of directors at the start of each financial year:
Remuneration for non-executive board member post
The post of board member is remunerated following the stipulations of article 39 of the Bylaws. The salary may consist of a fixed amount set up by the General Assembly, not necessarily equal amounts for all members. It could also be an allotment of a share in the Company’s profits, of between 5 and 10 percent maximum of the annual profit after subtracting the dividend for the financial year at hand, plus reimbursement of expenses from travels undertaken in the performance of duties entrusted by the Board, and remunerations for Board Committee memberships and, as the case may be, for holding the office of board chairperson.
Remunerations for the performance of other non-board member Company duties
These include remunerations to board members for performing duties, as executive board members or otherwise, other than those of supervision and decisions executed on the Board or on its Committees.
These remunerations are compatible with the perception of the bylaws and per diems they may be paid for their mere condition as members of the Board of Directors.
Executive-duty salary packages include the following basic elements:
- Fixed remuneration
This amount must be competitive in comparison to market standard in line with the leadership position Abengoa strives to achieve. Its calculation takes into account market studies conducted by external consultants. The fixed salary consists of the following:- Salary Level. This is the basic fixed monthly salary, stipulated for each category or level.
- Special Responsibility Allowance (SRA). This supplementary payment is freely set by the Company’s Management and paid on monthly basis, and it is therefore linked to and conditioned by the exercise of a specific duty or the performance of a given responsibility.
The fixed remuneration therefore includes the salary level amount and the special responsibility allowance, payable monthly.
- Variable annual remuneration (bonus)
Variable annual remuneration (or bonus) for executive board members is basically linked to the fulfilment of goals and objectives. Said objectives are linked to EBITDA. Based on these criteria, a range of total variation of the variable remuneration of executive board members is estimated at the start of financial year.
The variable remuneration is the annual bonus payable in bulk.